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ZenSonic aims to help patients and docotors with immersive sound escapes. Patiens are able to listen to impressive sound landscapes during their visit to the docotr, allowing both a more profound experience.


React Native Application, Website, Membership, Shop


For many the visit to the docotor is connected with stress and treatment of unpleasant circumstances in the body. Often the lack of relaxation of the patitient can add to the no well-beeing. ZenSonic wants to explore possibilites to better the experience for both patient and doctors through immersive sound.


To optimally support the ZenSonic team, the project has two parts. The first part being a Magento website, which allows docotors to sign up for a membership. Moreover the website allows the doctors to access the personalized music in their account. The second part is an React Native application, which will enable users to download the application through the Google Play Store, as well as the Apple Apple Store. Once a user has downloaded the application, they are able to listen to their personalized audio experience.


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The ZenSonic product is a new approach to the medical field, which does not have a lot of empirical data to back up the idea. To quickly understand how Zen Sonic will help patients and docotors to improve their united experience, we have choosen to build a Progressive Web App, as well as a website with Magento as a base.

We built the project into two parts, to optimize the user experience. Whereas the Magento implementation is used to allow users to efficiently create subscriptions for the service, the PWA will allow for a smooth listening experience.

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